Serving the West Valley Communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, parts of San Jose, and Morgan Hill.
About RYDE
RYDE was launched on October 16, 2017 and is now offered through a collaboration between the Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, West Valley Community Services, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, Valley Transportation Authority, the cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, Los Gatos, and Morgan Hill.
Use RYDE for appointments, grocery shopping, visits with friends, or trips to a location in the west valley. RYDE also provides trips to area doctors' offices, hospitals, the Sunnyvale CalTrain Center and the VA Hospital in Palo Alto.
Hours of Operation
Transportation hours: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Telephone hours: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Excluding holidays - please click here to view our holiday closures
RYDE fees are based on (1) income and not net assets and (2) number of miles you travel to a destination:
Up to 4 miles - $0.90 to $9.00
5 miles to 8 miles - $1.30 to $13.00
9 miles to 16 miles - $1.80 to $18.00
For an exact cost, please contact your area coordinator
RYDE Destinations
Anywhere within the city limits of Campbell, Cupertino, Saratoga, Monte Sereno, Los Gatos, and parts of San Jose
For residents of Morgan Hill please call your area coordinator for more information and possible destinations
Up to 8.00 miles from your home beyond these city limits, within Santa Clara County
Sunnyvale CalTrain Station, located at 121 W Evelyn Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA
VA Hospital Palo Alto, located at 3801 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto, CA
To any medical appointments
Scheduling a RYDE
Call 2 business days prior to the requested ride or book a ride up to 4 weeks ahead.
To Book a RYDE
- Residents of Campbell (95008, 95009, 95011), Cupertino (95014), or San Jose (95129, 95130)
contact West Valley Community Services: (669) 220-0831 or RYDEinfo@wvcommunityservices.org
Residents of Saratoga (95070), Los Gatos (95030, 95032), Monte Sereno (95030), or San Jose (95110, 95112, 95116, 95118, 95119, 95120, 95122, 95123, 95124, 95139)
contact the Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council: (408) 892-9739 or RYDE@sascc.org
Residents of Morgan Hill (95037, 95038)
contact the City of Morgan Hill: (408) 310-4250 or RYDE@mhcrc.com
Registering for RYDE
Complete the following form to register for the RYDE program:
RYDE Companion
A companion is someone who is not a registered client but will be accompanying a registered client while they are being driven to their destination. Complete the following form if you are a companion: RYDE Companion Form
About RYDE
RYDE was launched on October 16, 2017 and is now offered through a collaboration between the Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, West Valley Community Services, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, Valley Transportation Authority, the cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, Los Gatos, and Morgan Hill.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Click on the links below to read the RYDE FAQ's in your language:
Become a RYDE Driver
RYDE is currently recruiting volunteers to help provide RYDEs to the community. For more information, contact your local RYDE Coordinator as noted above.
Volunteer Driver Application Form can be downloaded here.
Public Notice
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance.
Specifically, Title VI provides that "no person in the United States shall, on the ground of
race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" (42 U.S.C. Section 2000d).
West Valley Community Services, The Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, and the City of Morgan Hill are committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transportation services on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1B. If you need further information or feel you are being denied participation in or being denied benefits of the transit services provided by West Valley Community Services, The Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, and the City of Morgan Hill, or otherwise being discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability, please visit www.rydescc.or or contact:
Sujatha Venkatraman, Executive Director
West Valley Community Services
10104 Vista Drive, Cupertino, 95014
Formulario De Queja En Virtud Del Titulo VI