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The WVCS Blog
West Valley News & Notes

It's Harvest Time!

Writer: Joan CummingsJoan Cummings

Dear Neighbors,

Hello again. I am Joan Cummings, Cupertino resident, Community Gardener, and Board Member at West Valley Community Services. I am so excited to share with you a fantastic program happening right in your own city. The City of Cupertino recently renovated the Community Gardens at McClellan Ranch, where my husband and I have had the delight of planting a garden. We and our fellow community gardeners, with the expertise of the very helpful Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County, have been busy the past four months planting and tending our crops. Now comes the fun part - picking our ripe vegetables! Since many gardeners have excess produce, we have a plan to share it with those who do not have access to fresh produce through a program called Harvest for Neighbors.

Harvest for Neighbors builds on the long-standing tradition of gardeners sharing their harvest with others. It is a people-helping-people program that helps feed the hungry in their own communities. The Master Gardeners donate the majority of their produce through this program and have designated West Valley Community Services as the recipient of the produce. This summer season, they have already donated over 50 pounds of fresh basil, tomatoes, Asian long beans, bitter melon, cucumbers, eggplants, and various summer squashes. The list goes on and on.

Here are some pictures of our lovely produce.

The Master Gardeners have asked the Community Gardeners to plant an extra row of produce in their garden to share with others. But this program is not just for community gardeners; anyone in the city can drop off excess produce from their own home or communal garden at West Valley Community Services Market located at 10104 Vista Dr, Cupertino, CA 95014. So if you have ripe produce that ends up going to waste each season, allow us to take it off your hands for a great cause. Join us in fighting food insecurity in our own community by sharing some of the harvest from your home gardens. Thank you so much for your generosity!

With Gratitude,



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