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Black Lives Matter

#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. The movement works to build a world in which Black lives are valued rather than systematically targeted. All are invited to join the movement for justice and liberation. 

Support Black-Owned Businesses

There are many reasons to support Black-owned businesses. Check out these articles on why it matters and click on the link above to find businesses to support!

4 Reasons Why You Should Support Black Owned Businesses

Supporting Black-Owned Businesses Should be More than Just a Trend

6 Reasons to Support Black-Owned Businesses

Stop AAPI Hate

Hate against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) is on the rise, largely due to stereotypes and bigotry generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We stand with this community and denounce all hate against the AAPI community. â€‹

Calendar of Religious Holidays

An awareness of all religious holidays, not just those you are familiar with or celebrate, is crucial for respectful scheduling and fostering inclusivity. Take a look at this calendar of religious holidays for 2021!

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